81 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Major General Thomas Major-General Rosecrans,
L. Crittenden, Twenty-first commanding,says, "I bear
Army Corps. testimony to the high-
hearted,noble Major-General
Crittenden. Prompt in the
moving and reporting the
position of his troops, always
fearless on the field of
battle, I return my thanks for
the promptness and military
good sense with which he sent
his division toward the noise
of battle on the 19th.
Commanded for the ability with
Major General John which he handled his command
M. Palmer, Second by both Major-Generals
Division, Twenty-first Army Crittenden and Thomas.
Corps. Commended for the ability with
which he conducted his command
Major General by Major-General Thomas.
J. J. Reynolds, Fourth
Division, Fourteenth Army Major-General McCook thanks
Corps. him for his earnest co-
operation and attention to
Major General Philip duty, and says, "I commend him
H. Sheridan, to his country."
Third Division, Twentieth Army Is commended for the ability
Corps. with which he commanded by
Major-General Thomas.
Major-General Crittenden says,
Brig. General John M. Brannan, "With pride I point to the
Third Division, Fourteenth service of Brigadier-General
Army Corps. Wood," and Major-General
Thomas names him as having
Brig. General Thomas J. Wood, "with two brigades of his
Firs Division, Twenty-first division nobly sustained
Army Corps. Richard W. Johnson." Is
commended for the ability with
which he handled command; and
Major-General McCook says his
"thanks are due to him for his
earnest co-operation and
devotion to duty,"commends him
to his country, and recommends
his promotion.
Major-General Rosecrans,
commanding, acknowledges
himself "especially indebted
for the clear and ready manner
with which he seized the
Brig. General James A. Garfield, points of action and
chief of staff.... movements, and expressed in
orders the ideas of the general commanding." Wa W Wa W WAs Wa W W W W
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Brig. General J. St. Clair "Was in the battle and
Morton, chief engineer... discharged his duties with
ability and to my entire
satisfaction, "says Major-
General Rosecrans,commanding.
Brig. General Richard Major-General McCook thanks
W. Johnson, Second Division, him for his earnest co-
Twentieth Army Corps. operation and devotion to
duty, commends him to the
country,a nd recommends him to
his superior for promotion.
Major-General Thomas names him
as having fought most
gallantly on both days, and
ably handled his troops.
Brig. General Jefferson Is commended to his country
C. Davis, First Division, and recommended for promotion
Twentieth Army Corps. by Major-General McCook.
Is commended for the ability
Brig. General Absalom Baird, with which he handled his
First Division, Fourteenth Army command by Major-General
Corps. Thomas.
Major-General Thomas speaks of
Brig. General James B. Steedman, him as having "valiantly
First Division, Reserve Corps. maintained Brannan's right,"
and Major-General Granger
calls attention "to the
bravery and gallantry
displayed during the battle"
by him, and says "he
fearlessly rushed into the
midst of danger and was ever
present with his troops,
handling them with ease,
rallying them, and encouraging
them, and established order
and confidence."
Brigadier-General Johnson says
Brig. General August Willich, "he was always in the right
First Brigade, Second place, and by his individual
Division, Twentieth Army daring rendered the country
Corps. great service." "This gallant
old veteran deserves
promotion, and I hope may
receive it." Major-General
Thomas speaks of him as having
nobly sustained his reputation
as a soldier. Major-General
McCook joins General Johnson
in recommending his promotion.
Major-General Thomas says he
"bravely supported Baird's
Brig. General John Beatty, FirstBrigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. left in the morning of Sunday" Sunday," " Sunday,"
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
and Major-General Negley says
he "gallantly remained upon
the field of battle in command
of scattered troops after most
of his brigade had been driven
from it and separated from him
by the charge of the enemy."
Brigadier-General Brannans
says he "gave great assistance
in rallying the troops and
keeping them in position."
Brig. General J. B. Turchin, Major-General Reynolds speaks
Third Brigade, Fourth Division, of him as having handled his
Fourteenth Army Corps. brigade with skill and
judgment, and no instance of
confusion or disorder
Brig. General W. C. Whitaker, Major-General Granger speaks
First Brigade, First Division, of him as conspicuous for his
Reserve Corps. bravery and activity, managing
his troops well, and
contributing much to our
Brig. General John H. King, Brigadier-General Baird speaks
Third Brigade, First Division, of him as deserving a debt of
Fourteenth Army Corps. great gratitude for the
courage displayed in the fight
and good judgment with which
he handled his troops, and
that the performance of his
command on Saturday morning
was particularly brilliant.