Today in History:

82 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I

Page 82 KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII.

Name,rank, and command. Remarks.

Brig. General John Brigadier-General Baird says

C. Starkweather, Second that "he holding the key

Brigade, First points at one of our

Division, Fourteenth Army positions, rendered

Corps. distinguished service by his

own coolness,inspiring his men

with confidence."

Commended to especial notice

Brig. General Samuel for his good conduct as

Beatty, First Brigade, Third brigade commander by

Division, Twenty-first Army Brigadier-General Van Cleve

Corps. and Major-General Crittenden.

Brig. General William B. Hazen, Commended for their good

Second Brigade, Second conduct by Major-General

Division, Twenty-first Army
Palmer and Major-General

Corps. Crittenden.

Brig. General Charles Cruft,

First Brigade, Second Division, Notice with commendation by

Twenty -first Army Corps. Major-General Crittenden.

Brig. General H. P. Van Cleve,

Third Division, Twenty-first

Army Corps.

HEADQUARTERS, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 8, 1864.

As Brig. General William H. Lytle fell leading a gallant charge against the foe, advancing on our retreating troops, I may be excused from departing from the strict rule of mentioning those officers whose good conduct could by properly officially notice by the general commanding only. This brave and generous young officer, whose first wounds were received while fighting under my command at Carnifix Ferry, where he fell desperately wounded at the head of his regiment,was also badly wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Perryville, where he repelled a desperate onslaughter of the enemy.

On rejoining the Army of the Cumberland with his well-earned rank of brigadier, he was assigned second in command to General Sheridan. When he fell gloriously on the field of Chickamauga, Ohio lost one of her jewels and the service one of its most patriotic and promising general officers.


[Inclosure in report of January 7-Continued.]

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

Colonel J. B. Dodge, Second Brigadier-General Johnson

Brigade, Second speaks of him as a "brave and

Division, Twentieth Army Corps. gallant soldier," handled his

brigade well, and is worthy

and deserving of promotion.

Colonel B. F. Scribner, Thirty- Brigadier-General Baird speaks

eight Indiana, First Brigade, of him,thus: "Commanding one

First Division, Fourteenth of the best brigade in the

Army Corps. army, he has been recommended

for promotion after previous

battles, and has again

distinguished himself."

General Thomas,says, "Colonel

Scribner, commanding First

Brigade, Baird's division, on

Saturday morning when it was

attacked in flank by an

overwhelming force of the

enemy and driven back, yet

Colonel Scribner was enabled

to rally and reorganize

without the least difficulty."

Colonel John T. Croxton, Fourth Brigadier-General

Kentucky, Second Brigade, Third Brannan speaks of him as the

Division, Fourteenth Army "gallant and dashing

Corps. Croxton,commanding Second

Brigade,who,though severely

and painfully wounded early

the second day,remained on the

field,rallying and encouraging

his men, until utterly

exhausted." Major-General

Thomas confirms the report

given of him by his division

Colonel F. Van Derveer, Third commander.

Brigade, Third Division, Brigadier-General Brannan

Fourteenth Army Corps. brings to the especial notice

of the commanding general the

gallant and meritorious

conduct of the colonel

commanding Third Brigade,

"whose fearlessness and calm

judgment in the most trying

situations," he says, "added

materially to the efficiency

of his command,which he

handled both days in the most

skillful way, punishing the

enemy severely." Major-General

Thomas confirms this report of

General Brannan.

Page 82 KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII.