92 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I
Page 92 | KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII. |
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain G. M. L. Johnson, Second Major-General Thomas says that
Indiana Cavalry, Baird's staff. having been cut off from their
respective commanders,reported
Captain Thomas C. Williams, to him and were of great
assistance as aides.Nineteenth U. S. Infantry
Baird's staff.
Captain B. D. Williams,aide-de-
camp, Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain F. J. Jones,aide-de-
camp, Twentieth Army Corps. Major-General McCook says his
thanks are due for their
Captain J. H. Fisher,volunteer devotion to duty,gallantry in
aide-de-camp, Twentieth Army action,and intelligence upon
the field.Captain A. C. McClurg,ordnance,
Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain A. T. Snodgrass,provost-
marshal, Twentieth Army Corps. "I have rarely seen an officer
of his department so thorough
Captain I. C. McElfatrick, efficient as he has proven
topographical engineer, himself to be,both in camp and
Twentieth Army Corps. on the field," says Major-
General Crittenden.
Captain Kaldenbaugh,provost-
marshal, Twenty-first Army To habitual good conduct in
Corps. camp he has added good conduct
on the field, says
Major-General Crittenden.
Captain Sherer,commanding
escort, Twenty-first Army Exhibited commendable courage,
Corps. says Major-General Palmer.
Captain Barlett,commanding Major-General Palmer says he
escort, Second Division, rendered most efficient
Twenty-first Army Corps. services,and on both days of
the battle was on all
Captain Steele,topographical occasions where duty called,
engineer, Second Division, exhibiting the highest
Twenty-first Army Corps. courage.
Major-General Sheridan
commends these officers to the
notice of the commanding
Captain H. Hescock,chief of general, "all of whom rendered
artillery, Third Division, valuable services."
Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain George Lee,assistant adjutant-general, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps.
Namer,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain W. L. Mallory,chief
commissary of subsistence,
Third Division, Twentieth Army
Major-General Sheridan
Captain P. U. Schmitt,chief commends these officers to the
quartermaster, Third notice of the commandingDivision, Twentieth Army general, "all of whom rendered
Corps. valuable services."
Captain J. S. Ransom,provost-
marshal, Third Division,
Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain F. T. Starkweather,chief
quartermaster, Fourth Division,
Fourteenth Army Corps.
Major-General Reynolds says
Captain Leech,chief commissary these officers were at their
of subsistence, Fourth posts,discharged their duties
Division, Fourteenth Army promptly and faithfully.
Captain C. O. Howard,assistant
commissary of musters, Fourth
Division, Fourteenth Army
Captain Floyd,aide-de-camp,
Fourth Division, Fourteenth
Army Corps. "Were with me and rendered me
efficient service," says
Captain Hanna,provost-marshal, Major-General Granger.
Fourth Division, Fourteenth
Army Corps. Of General Steedman's and
deserve special mention, says
Captain J. Gordon Major-General Granger.
Taylor, Captain W. L.
A. Avery,staff, Reserve Corps.
Captain Seth B. Moe,staff, First
Division, Reserve Corps.
Brigadier-General Davis says
Captain T. W. Morrison,aide-de- their efficiency was well
camp, First Division, Twentieth tested,and expresses many
Army Corps. obligations to them.
Captain T. H. Daily,aide-de-
camp, First Division, Twentieth
Army Corps.
Capt. F. E. Reynolds,aide-de-camp, First Division,
Twentieth Army Corps. Capt. W. A. Hotchkiss,chief ofartillery, First Division, Twentieth Army Corps. Capt. H. N. Snyder,assistantcommissary of musters, FirstDivision, Twentieth Army Corps.Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain H. W. Hall,assistant
inspector-general, First
Brigadier-General Davis saysDivision, Twentieth Army Corps. their efficiency was well
tested,and expresses many
Captain J. P. Pope,commissary of obligation to them.
subsistence, First Division,
Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain M. P. Bestow,assistant
adjutant-general, First
Division, Twenty-first Army
Captain L. D. Myers,assistant
quartermaster, First Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
Brigadier-General Wood says
Captain James these officers performed their
McDonald,commissary of duties well,both in camp and
subsistence, First Division, on the battle-field.
Twenty-first Army Corps.
Captain J. E. George,assistant
commissary of musters, First
Division, Twenty-first Army
W. McLoughlin,topographical
engineer, First Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
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