93 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I
Name,rank, and command. Remarks.
Captain J. S. Wilson,assistant Brig. General John Beatty
adjutant-general, First expresses himself most
Brigade, Second Division, particularly indebted for most
Fourteenth Army Corps. valuable assistance.
Captain J. W. Forsyth,acting
assistant inspector-general,
Third Brigade, First Division, Rendered prompt and efficient
Fourteenth Army Corps.
service,says Brigadier-GeneralCaptain King.
J. B. Mulligan, Nineteenth
U. S. Infantry,provost marshal,
Third Brigade, First Division,
Fourteenth Army Corps. Commended for general good
conduct by Brigadier-General
Captain R. M. Dysart, Captain Starkweather.
W. Wall, Second Brigade, First
Division, Fourteenth Army
Captain Curtis,assistant
adjutant-general, Third
Brigade, Fourth Division, Commended for good conduct by
Fourteenth Army Corps. Brigadier-General Turchin.
Captain Price,acting assistant
inspector general, Third
Brigade, Fourth Division,
Fourteenth Army Corps.
Captain Robbins,provost- Commended by Colonel Connell
marshal, Third Brigade, Fourth for good conduct.
Division, Fourteenth Army
Brigadier-General Johnson
Captain A. J. Davis,assistant commends them for gallantry on
adjutant-general, First Brigade the battle-field,and says
Third Division, Fourteenth Army "Captain Bartlett and Wells
Corps. were with me all the time."
Captain Bartlett, Captain
Wells, Captain Metzner,
Captain Taft,staff, Second
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. Brigadier-General Brannan says
they performed their duties
with fearlessness and great
Captain Louis gallantry,carrying orders
J. Lambert,assistant adjutant- under the severest fire, and
general, Third using every effort to rally
Division, Fourteenth Army and encourage the troops.
Captain George
S. Roper,commissary of subsistence, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. Capt. Lewis Johnson, provost-marshal, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain E. A. Otis,assistant
adjutant-general, Third
Division, Twenty-first Army
Captain Carter Brigadier-General Van Cleve
B. Harrison,acting assistant applauds them for the
inspector-general, Third readiness with which they
Division, Twenty-first Army performed every duty.
Captain J. O. Stanage,commissary
of subsistence, Third Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
A. K. Robinson,topographical
engineer, Third Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
Performed important services,
Captain Sheafe,provost- exhibiting gallantry and
marshal, Third Division, efficiency,and worthy of
Twenty-first Army Corps. special mention,says Major-
General Negley.
Captain A. L. Hough,assistant
commissary of musters, Second
Division, Fourteenth Army
Captain Johnson,acting Mentioned for good conduct by
assistant inspector-general, Colonel Chapman,commanding
Fourteenth Army Corps. brigade.
Captain Charles B. Mann,
provost-marshal, Second
Brigade, Third Mentioned for good conduct by
Division, Fourteenth Army Colonel Mitchell,commanding.
J. W. Riley,topographical
engineer, Second Brigade, Third
Division, Fourteenth Army
Corps. Mentioned for good conduct by
Colonel Daniel McCook.
R. M. Black,staff, Reserve Corps.
Captain Anderson, Fifty-second,
Ohio,staff, Second Brigade, Commended for good conduct by
Second Division, Reserve Corps. Colonel Harker,commanding.
Captain Swift, Fifty-second
Ohio, staff...............
Captain Deane, Eighty-sixth
Illinois,staff............ Dr. Hooton, Eighty-sixthIllinois,staff............$%Capt. Joseph M. Randall,actingassistant quartermaster, ThirdBrigade, First Division, Twenty-first Army Corps.
Name,rank, and command. Remarks.
Captain G. W. Roberts,acting Commended for good conduct by
commissary of Colonel Harker,commanding.
subsistence, Third
Brigade, First Division, Twenty-
first Army Corps.
Captain Peden,provost-marshal,
Third Brigade, Second Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps. Commended for good conduct by
Colonel Grose,commanding.
Captain Brooks,acting
assistant inspector-general,
Third Brigade, Second Division,
Twenty-first Army Corps. Mentioned for good conduct by
Colonel Dick,commanding.
Captain C. F. King,assistant
adjutant-general, Second
Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-
first Army Corps.
Captain S. West,acting
assistant adjutant- Colonel Post,commanding, says
general, First Brigade, First deserve the highest praise.
Division, Twentieth Army
Captain Hatch,acting assistant
inspector-general, First
Brigade, First Division,
Twentieth Army Corps.