94 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I
Page 94 | KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII. |
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain John Crowell,jr.,
assistant adjutant-general,
Second Brigade, Second Mentioned for good conduct by
Division, Twenty-first Army Brigadier-General Hazen.
Captain H. W. Johnson,assistant
Captain James McCleery,acting
assistant inspector-general. Brigadier-General Carlin says,
"Acted as aide-de-camp on the
Captain L. A. Cole,provost- field, and frequently
marshal. volunteered to perform the
most perilous duties."
Captain W. C. Harris, Thirty-
eighth Illinois, Second "Was constantly under fire,
Brigade, First and deserves credit for
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. gallantry and efficiency,"
says Brigadier-General Hazen.
Colonel Berry,commanding,says,
Captain S. P. Voris, Thirty- "Although he received a
eighth Illinois, Second painful wound in the knee,like
Brigade, First a true soldier refused to
Division, Twentieth Army Corps. leave the field."
Colonel Berry,commanding,calls
Captain Strader,staff, Sixth him a brave and earnest
Indiana, Third Brigade, Second officer.
Division, Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain J. E. Jones,staff, First Noticed for good conduct by
Ohio, Third Brigde, Second Colonel Buell,commanding.
Division, Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain Warner, Twenty-sixth
Ohio,staff, First Brigade, First Mentioned by Brigadier-General
Division, Twenty-first Army Cruft for good conduct.
Lieutenant S. Sterne, First
Brigade, First Colonel Miller,commanding,
Division, Twenty-first Army says, "He was continually
Corps. found in the thickets fire,
and where his presence was
Captain W. H. Fairbanks,acting most required."
assistant adjutant-general, Mentioned by Brigadier-General
First Brigade, Second Division, Willich for especial good
Twenty-first Army Corps. conduct.
Captain James
A. Grover,assistant adjutant-general, FirstBrigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps.$%Capt. Carl Schmitt,assistant adjutant-general, First Brigade, SecondDivision, Twentieth ArmyCorps.
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Captain W. H. Catching,assistant
adjutant-general, Third Mentioned by Colonel Barnes,
Brigade, Third Division,
commanding as deserving ofTwenty-first Army Corps. promotion for good conduct in
aiding to rally the command
Captain John North assistant when forced back.
Captain James G. Elwood,acting
assistant adjutant-general,
First Brigade, First Division, Mentioned by Colonel Buell,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
commanding for good conduct inCaptain William the hottest of the fight.
Baldwin,assistant inspector-
Captain h. Gardner,provost-
Captain B. A. Carroll, Second Mentioned for good conduct by
Brigade, Third Division, Colonel Laiboldt,commanding
Twentieth Army Corps. brigade.
Captain Fuelle,acting
assistant adjutant-general.
Captain Morgan,assistant
inspector-general..... Colonel Laiboldt,commanding
brigade,mentions him for
Captain Gale,assistant gallant conduct.
quartermaster and commissary
of subsistence. Mentioned by Major-General
Sheridan as having rendered
Captain G. Freysleben,staff, valuable services.
Second Brigade, Third Division,
Twentieth Army Corps.
Specially mentioned for good
Captain Mohrhardt, conduct by Major-General
topographical engineer, Third Crittenden.
Division, Twentieth Army Corps.
Captain Knox,aide-de-camp,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
Captain McCook,aide-de-camp,
Twenty-first Army Corps.
Colonel Van Derveer commends
Captain J. R. Beatty,assistant them for their efficiency,
adjutant-general, Third personal courage,and energy,
Brigade, Third Division, whose conduct,he says, deserve
Fourteenth Army Corps. more than praise.
Captain E. B. Thoenssen,aide-de-
camp, Third Brigade, Third
Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. Capt. C. A. Cilley,topographicalengineer, Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth ArmyCorps.
Name,rank,and command. Remarks.
Lieutenant Burroughs, Mentioned by Major-General
assistant engineer........... Rosecrans,commanding,for the
zeal and ability with which he
discharged his duties. Major-
General McCook also mentions
him for valuable assistance in
rallying the troops.
Lieutenant William
L. Porter,acting aide-de-camp.
Lieutenant James Were on the field of battle.
K. Reynolds,acting aide-de- There,as elsewhere,discharged
their duties with zeal andLieutenant M. J. Kelly,chief of energy.
Mentioned by Colonel Connell
Asst. Surg. D. Bache........... for great gallantry.
Lieutenant Jacob C. Donaldson,
Thirty-eighth Ohio, First Specially mentioned for true
Brigade, Third Division, courage and valor by Colonel
Fourteenth Army Corps. Laiboldt,commanding brigade.
Lieutenant Friedrich Colonel Connell specially
Lipps, Second Brigade, Third mentions his "daring and
Division, Twentieth Army coolness," and says, "After
Corps. our lines fell back he
remained at the breastworks,
Lieutenant standing with the colors of
J. M. Ruffner, Seventeenth the Eighty-second Indiana in
Ohio, First Brigade, Third his hands,firing with his
Division, Fourteenth Army revolver upon the enemy.
Page 94 | KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLII. |