207 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III
Page 207 | Chapter LII. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. - UNION. |
CITY POINT, VA., July 13, 1864-12 m.
(Received 12.15 a.m. 14th.)
Major-General HALLECK,
Washington, D. C.,:
Summary of evidence gathered from deserters, scouts, and cavalry reconnaissance by Gregg on our left, shows that none of Hill's or Longstreet's corps have left our front. Two brigades (Lane's and McGowan's) of Wilcox's division, Hill's corps, are on north side of James in Foster's front; two brigades (Thomas' and Scales') same division same corps, are between Walthall and Appomattox; Pickett's division in Butler's immediate front, and, deserters say, Davis' brigade, of Heth's division, Hill's corps, is in reserve in rear of Pickett. Gregg ascertained by reconnaissance that Fitz. Lee's division and Bowers' [Rosser's] brigade cavalry are at Reams' Station, intrenched, and the citizens say some infantry, though he found no infantry. Mahone's division, Longstreet's corps, is in front of the Fifth Corps. Evidence of this seems positive. Deserters from Mahone's division (Florida regiments) say that Heth's division has returned to his old position in reserve. Its movement seems to have been made down the railroad, fearing Wright was moving in that direction, but finding he was not it has returned. Progress of work good as could be expected under such hot sun.
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 13, 1864-4 p.m.
Lieutenant-General GRANT,
City Point:
Your telegram of 12 m. yesterday is just received. General Wright has already been assigned to the command of the troops to go to the field. I have telegraphed to General Ord as you directed. He reports Ricketts' division to be reduced to an aggregate of 2,488. The only other force he has is 500 colored, 200 sailors, 3,000 militia, and a body of armed citizens. The remain of Ricketts' division are the only forces that can take the field. I telegraphed you this morning the number of available troops here for the field, and also the most reliable estimate of enemy's strength. Nothing whatever about Hunter.
Major-General and Chief of Staff.
CITY POINT, VA., July 13, 1864-2.30 p.m.
(Received 1 a.m. 14th.)
Honorable C. A. DANA.
Assistant Secretary of War:
Deserters are coming in daily, giving the position of every division of the rebel army. Some are in to-day from Longstreet's corps, giving the position of two of his divisions, and the third we know to be in front of Butler who has probably received fifty deserters from it in the last week. Boldness is all that is wanted to drive the enemy out of Maryland in confusion. I hope and believe Wright is the men to assure that. The advance of two divisions of the Nineteenth Corps passed Fort Monroe yesterday, and I hope the whole of them will reach Washington within the next twenty-four hours.
Page 207 | Chapter LII. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. - UNION. |