Today in History:

208 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III

Page 208 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N.C. Chapter LII.


July 13, 1864-10.30 a.m.

Lieutenant-General GRANT:

I have nothing particular to report beyond what was contained in special dispatches of the transactions during the past twenty-four hours. Gregg's cavalry was withdrawn last night to Lee's Mill, from whence he pickets toward Reams' Station and along the railroad to the left of the army. I deem it proper to retain him there for the present, as he obtained undoubted evidence from prisoners that Fitz. Lee's division and Rosser's brigade of cavalry were at the station. He could hear nothing of infantry beyond the reports of citizens, who stated that Hill's corps was at the station, supporting the cavalry. This probably meant Heth's division which from other sources we had reason to believe was on the railroad guarding it and supporting the cavalry. There appears to be no doubt that up to noon yesterday, and even later, Mahone's division, of Hill's corps, was in front of the Fifth Corps. The preparation of batteries in front of the Fifth and Ninth Corps and the running of the gallery for the mine made good progress yesterday notwithstanding the excessive heat. The engineers have established a depot at a convenient point, and are collecting gabions and other material for operations. The heavy guns will soon be put in position in front of the Fifth Corps, and an effort made to silence the fire of the batteries in the salient on the plank road. In the meantime the enemy is busily employed strengthening his line, and can be seen preparing another one in rear of the one now occupied.


Major-General, Commanding.

CITY POINT, July 13, 1864-2.30 p.m.


It is reported from Washington that Longstreet's corps is moving down the Valley. Inquire of Babcock to examine deserters and ascertain all he can that is positive about Longstreet's corps, and send it to Colonel Comstock. A dispatch from Washington announces the destruction of the Gunpowder bridge on the Philadelphia railroad, the capture of two trains with General Franklin, and that the enemy are in front of Washington on the north side.




July 13, 1864-4.45 p.m.

Lieutenant-Colonel COMSTOCK,
Aide-de-Camp, City Point:

I send you a note from Mr. Babcock, containing a copy of a statement from the provost-marshal-general's department, forwarded on the 11th July at 11.45 p.m.* The deserters from Finegan's brigade, on the left of Hill's corps, that came in this morning, stated that Longstreet's


*See p. 177.


Page 208 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N.C. Chapter LII.