61 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
road, 400 feet; over the Ogeechee River, on Louisville road, 200 feet; over the Ogeechee River, near Burton Station, 200 feet; over the Ogeechee River, Jones' Ferry, 300 feet; over the Buck Head Creek, on Millen road, 100 feet; over the Little Ogeechee, near Station 4 1/2, 80 feet; over the Ogeechee, at Jenks' Ferry, 300 feet; over the Ogeechee, at Dalton's Ferry, 250 feet; over the Ogeechee, at Hilton's Bridge, 300 feet; total, 3,460 feet.
On the 10th of December the army arrived in front of Savannah. Reconnaissances were pushed south of the Cannouchee River, and, fortunately, a plan of Fort McAllister was found. Other reconnaissances were made along the entire extent of the enemy's front, which was found located along the southeastern edge of the chain of swamps running from the Savannah River, opposite King's Island, via the point where the Ogeechee road crosses Salt Marsh Creek, to the junction between Salt Marsh Creek and the Little Ogeechee, and thence through the Vernon, Rosedew, and Beaulieu batteries to Fort McAllister. This line was intrenched in the usual manner, and the defenses were greatly strengthened by closing the sluice gates at the Savannah River and building dams across Salt Marsh Creek, the effect being to make a body of water in front of their entire line.
On the 11th it was decided to attack Fort McAllister, as that was the only obstacle to our free communication with the fleet in Ossabaw Sound. The enemy had destroyed the bridge over the Ogeechee, on the Darien road, commonly known as the "King's Bridge. " This was rebuilt by the First Missouri Engineers, under direction of Captain C. B. Reese, Corps of Engineers, and chief engineer Department and Army of the Tennessee, and on the morning of the 13th of Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, crossed over and moved along the south bank of the river, reaching the vicinity of Fort McAllister in the afternoon. As soon as the troops could be properly for made, and the fort was carried in handsome style. The same evening the general commanding the military division passed down the river and communicated with the fleet. Fort McAllister stood on the right bank of the Ogeechee River, at the first point of "fast land" met with in ascending that stream, and perfectly commanded the channel. The trace of the fort was irregular, the water front conforming to the shore line and the line of "fast land," while the land front was on a regular bastioned trace. The guns-of which there were twenty-two - were general mounted in barbette. The fort was provided on its land front with a good ditch, having a row of stout palisades at its bottom, well built glaces, and a row of excellent abatis, exterior to which was planted a row of 8-inch shells arranged to explode when trodden upon. These shells were arranged in a single row just outside the abatis, and were about three feet from center to center. It was impossible to move an assaulting force upon the fort without suffering from the explosion of these shells. The fact that nearly all the guns of the fort were mounted in barbette rendered it much easier to carry it by assault, since our skirmish line advancing at a run readily approached within 200 yards, and by throwing themselves flat on the ground were well concealed by the high grass, and could pick off the rebel gunners at their leisure, readily silencing the fire of the fort, after which our assaulting force was formed in full view of and not more than 500 yards from the parapet.
After the capture of Fort McAllister the obstructions in the river, consisting of a double row of piles and torpedoes, were removed, and steam-boats ascended to the King's Bridge, where was established our