833 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 833 | Chapter LVI. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. -UNION. |
In the Field, Savannah, December 29, 1864.Brigadier General R. DELAFIELD,
Chief Engineer U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular dated November 21, 1864, requesting me to furnish for your information the names of officers connected with my command of the Corps of Engineers who have been mentioned for distinguished and meritorious conduct during the present or previous campaigns against the rebellious States, with recommendations for brevet rank. In compliance therewith I have the honor to recommend for promotion by brevet, as below stated, the following officers of the Corps of engineers connected with my command during the late and previous campaigns:
First. Captain O. M. Poe, Corps of Engineers, chief engineer of the Military Division of the Mississippi, has been in constant daily service near my person since the beginning of the Atlanta campaign. His services have been of the very highest value throughout that and the campaign just ended, and have been rendered with a zeal, promptitude, and fidelity which have left nothing to desire. I consider that he has fairly earned the commission he formerly held as brigadier-General of volunteers, but I prefer that he should be brevet brigadier-General in the Regular Army, in order that I may retain him near my person as long as I have the honor to exercise an active command in the Army of the United States. I find him so thoroughly qualified that I would be lost without him.
Second. Captain C. B. Reese, chief engineer of the Department and Army of the Tennessee, has proved himself a most earnest and efficient officer, to whom the highest praise is awarded by his immediate superiors of the valuable service he has rendered in all departments under his control. I respectfully recommend him for the brevet rank of Colonel, U. S. Army.
Third. First Lieutenant Amos Stickney, Corps of Engineers, assigned to duty with the Department and Army of the Tennessee, is recommended as a zealous and efficient officer, who has at all times satisfactorily performed the duties imposed upon him, and has fairly earned promotion by one grade.
Fourth. First lieutenant William Ludlow, Corps of Engineers, joined my command during the Atlanta campaign - afterward doing duty at Rome, GA., under Brigadier-General Corse, participating in the heroic defense of Allatoona Pass, and serving during the recent campaign as chief engineer of the Left Wing of this army, under Major-General Slocum, commanding, who has expressed satisfaction with his discharge of the duties thus assigned him. For Lieutenant Ludlow's participation in the defense of Allatoona Pass, I respectfully recommend him for the brevet rank of captain, U. S. Army, and for that of major in consideration of his services during the last campaign.
I have the honor to be, General, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major-General, Commanding.
P. S. - Please send a copy of your circular to Major-General Thomas, at Nashville, that he may report direct to you concerning the officers of the Engineer Corps serving in that branch of my command.
W. T. S.,
Page 833 | Chapter LVI. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. -UNION. |