745 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
ward learned that they were thrown into considerable confusion by this attack of Hampton. With a small portions of the cavalry and Horse Artillery I moved into Fairfax Court-House, and taking possession, obtained some valuable information, which was sent to the commanding general.
On the night of the 2nd the command bivouacked near Fairfax Court-House, except Robertson's brigade, which, by misapprehension of the order, returned to the vicinity of Chantilly before the engagement.
While these events were occurring near Fairfax Court-House the Second Virginia Cavalry (Colonel T. T. Munford) had proceeded, by my order, to Leesburg to capture the party of marauders under Means, which had so long infested that country and harassed the inhabitants. Colonel Munford reached the vicinity of Leesburg on the forenoon of the 2nd, and learning that Means with his command was in the town, supported by three companies of the Maryland cavalry on the Point of Rocks road, he made a circuit toward Edwards Ferry, attacked from that direction, and succeeded, after a heavy skirmish, in routing and driving the enemy as far as Waterford, with a loss on their part of 11 killed, 9 severely wounded, and 47 prisoners, including 2 captains and 3 lieutenants. Our own loss was Lieutenant Davis killed and several officers and privates wounded. In this engagement Edmund, a slave belonging to one of the men, charged with the regiment, and shot Everhart, one of the most notorious ruffians of Means' party. The enemy's papers acknowledged that their entire force of 150 men of the First Maryland and Means' company were all but 40 killed or captured, stating that our force was 2,000. Colonel Munford's entire force was 163 men, of whom but 123 were in the charge.*
* * * * * * *
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel R. H. CHILTON,
Chief of Staff, Army of Northern Virginia.
Numbers 194. Reports of Brigadier General Beverly H. Robertson, C. S. Army, commanding Cavalry Brigade, of operations August 20 - 30.IN CAMP NEAR GARYSBURG, N. C.,
October 13, 1862.
SIR: In obedience to orders from your headquarters, early on the morning of August 20 I crossed the Rapidan River at Tobacco Stick Ford with a portion of my brigade, consisting of the Sixth, Seventh, and Twelfth Regiments Virginia Cavalry. Encountering the enemy's pickets between Stevensburg, in the county of Culpeper, and Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, in force, a spirited attack by Colonel W. E. Jones, commanding Seventh Virginia Cavalry, was immediately made, driving in their outpost to their reserve. Heavy skirmishing on both sides then ensued, which lasted several hours, during which some of our men were wounded and a few of the
* For portion of report here omitted, see Series I, Vol. XIX, Part I, pp. 814- 821.