746 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 746 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
enemy's horses killed. The enemy finally retired, and was followed beyond Brandy Station, at which point a brigade of cavalry, under the command of the Federal General Bayard, was discovered drawn up in line of battle on a commanding hill, evidently determined to dispute our progress, and firing upon my advance column with long-range guns (Burnside rifles). As soon as practicable I ordered a charge, and led the Twelfth Virginia Regiment (Colonel [A. W.] Harman's) directly against the center of their line, while the Sixth and Seventh were directed against their flank. The men charged gallantly, and after a brief hand-to-hand contest the enemy was routed with the loss of several killed and a number wounded, capturing 64 prisoners, including several commissioned officers. Our loss was 3 killed and 13 wounded.
Colonel A. W. Harman and Captain L. F. Terrill were especially conspicuous during the engagement, as was also Major Von Borcke, aide-de-camp to Major-General Stuart. Captain Redmond Burke, attached to division headquarters, was wounded in the leg while charging gallantly with the Twelfth Virginia Regiment.
My thanks are especially due to Colonel Jones for the admirable disposition made of his skirmishers and regiment during the engagement with the First Maine Cavalry on picket duty.
Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding Cavalry.
Headquarters Cavalry Division, Army of Northern Virginia.
Garysburg, N. C., October 15, 1862.SIR: On the afternoon of Saturday, August 30, when the rout of the enemy had become general, I moved my entire brigade rapidly forward in order to press his left flank, and, if possible, to intercept his retreat in the direction of Centreville by way of the stone bridge. Before reaching the Lewis Ford I observed a body of the enemy's cavalry approaching that point from the direction of Manassas. As there did not seem to be more than a small squadron, I ordered two companies of the Second Virginia Cavalry, Colonel Munford, to move forward and attack them. The order was promptly obeyed, when it was ascertained that an additional body of the enemy's cavalry, whose exact strength (owing to their position) I could not make out, were concealed under the crest of a hill in their immediate front. I then ordered the entire Second Regiment to the support of the squadron already engaged, which had been driven back by largely superior numbers. Before this regiment had arrived in supporting distance of the squadron already mentioned a full brigade of Federal cavalry, under the command of General Buford, had advanced to the top of the hill, where it was drawn up in line of battle. I moved forward immediately with the Seventh and Twelfth Regiments Virginia Cavalry to re-enforce Colonel Munford, leaving the Sixth, Colonel [T. S.] Flournoy, in reserve. Without waiting, Colonel Munford made a brilliant and dashing charge with his regiment in line, engaging the enemy in a hand-to-hand contest, which lasted until the Twelfth Regiment had almost reached the scene of action, when the enemy commenced a general and precipitate retreat, being closely pursued by the Second, Twelfth, and a portion of the
Page 746 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |