754 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 754 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
the front. I took three pieces at a gallop through a thick woods in front of this general park, bearing to the right of the troops in position (Ewell's division). I crossed the old railroad about 1 mile from Groveton and took position between it and the turnpike. I neglected to state that one of my guns was unable to keep up and was lost from the battery, it being dark and the road narrow and winding. I reported to General Jackson, and he told me his chief of artillery, Major Shumaker, would show me a position. He conducted me across the railroad, as above stated. I moved on at a gallop until a heavy volley of musketry apprised me of the enemy's presence. I immediately put my guns in position and engaged them at about 50 or 60 yards. We continued the fight for an hour or more, when, our re-enforcements coming up, we drove the enemy back. During the latter part of this fight I had but one gun, the other having been taken off by the order of some mounted officer (it was dark and no one could tell who), while my attention was wholly directed to the right piece.
After the fifth was over I collected the other pieces of my battery and reported to General Stuart the next morning. (See his memoranda up to this time.) I was by him ordered to report to General Jackson, which I did, and he ordered me to ride over the field with him; and after pointing out the different roads he gave me discretionary orders to engage my battery where fitting opportunity should occur. General A. P. Hill sent for some artillery to be thrown rapidly forward, as the enemy were giving way. I placed my battery in position near the railroad and opened on some batteries and a column of infantry posted on the hills around Groveton.
Major, Horse Artillery.
General J. E. B. STUART.
March 7, 1863.
MAJOR: On Thursday, August 28, 1862, by order of General Stuart I moved my battery (Stuart Horse Artillery) from Centreville toward Groveton. In the afternoon I overtook the army, then halted on the right of the turnpike and nearly opposite where the Manassas Sudley road crossed the pike. I passed General A. P. Hill's division and parked my battery in a field which had been selected by General Jackson for the artillery. Just before night-fall General Jackson ordered twenty pieces to be sent rapidly to the front. I moved out and reported to him in the field. He ordered Major Shumaker, of his staff, to show me the position. By this time it had become dark, and, Major Shumaker not being aware of the exact position of the enemy, we crossed the old railroad about a mile to the right of Groveton, and moved but a short distance beyond, when the enemy apprised us of his presence by firing a volley into the head of the column, distance about 40 paces. I immediately engaged. After remaining in this position about half an hour Major Shumaker ordered me to fall back. Owing to the pole of one of my guns being broken I could not obey the order, and continued firing until the enemy were driven back. I neglected to state that only two of my guns were engaged (3-inch rifles), the other guns having lost the way in consequence of the darkness of the night, the winding, narrow road, cross-roads, &c.
Lieutenant M. W. Henry, C. S. Army, displayed the greatest courage and
Page 754 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |