Today in History:

755 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II


daring during the engagement. Every non-commissioned officer and private acted so gallantly I cannot particularize.

Early on the morning of the 29th the enemy showed himself on our left and seemed to be moving toward Sudley Mill. General Stuart placed my battery in position and opened fire upon them. After remaining here for nearly an hour he ordered two other batteries to this position and sent me to the right of our line. When I arrived near the point designated I found General Jackson, who told me that General Stuart had gone to another part of the field, and had asked him to dispose of my battery. He then gave me discretionary orders to act as the occasion might require. Shortly after a courier reported that the enemy were falling back, and that General A. P. Hill wanted the artillery to press forward. I moved toward Groveton, and saw two batteries coming into position to play on the enemy's artillery near the town. I passed these batteries about 200 yards, and took position on the point of a ridge and opened upon their artillery. The position was held for nearly tow hours, when the ammunition from all my guns except one was expended. The three batteries that were supporting me retired about the same time, and I was left alone, with one gun, exposed to the fire of a long line of batteries with a direct and flank fire. I dispatched Sergeant Hoxton to General A. P. Hill to inform him of my condition and ask him to send re-enforcements. After we had continued this unequal contest for fifteen or twenty minutes Sergeant Howton returned and reported that he could not find General Hill. I then determined to retire, not, however, until the trail of my gun had been struck and shivered. The accuracy with which my guns were fired and the rapidity with which they were served during both days was very gratifying, and the execution they wrought was very great.

It gives me great pleasure to speak in terms of the highest praise of Lieuts. James Breathed and William [M.] McGregor. The example they set was worthily emulated by the non-commissioned officers and men. Sergt. W. H. P. Turner behaved with conspicuous gallantry until he was killed; also Sergt. R. T. Burwell during the entire engagement, and Sergt. W. S. Dabney acted admirably when left alone with his gun to fight at leads twenty. He fired his with the same precision and accuracy as before. All the corporals and privates acted so well that it would seem invidious to particularize.

I moved my battery to the rear to procure ammunition, but could only get a very limited supply.

I held my battery in readiness on the field for action during the 30th, but it being the only battery of horse artillery, would be very much needed in case of a retreat or pursuit. General Jackson ordered me to reserve my ammunition for any emergency.*

Respectfully submitted.


Major, Horse Artillery.


Assistant Adjutant-General, Cavalry Division.


*Nominal list of casualties omitted shows 1 killed ant 5 wounded.
