Today in History:

15 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III

Page 15 Chapter L. REPORTS, ETC.

Numbers 709.- Brigadier General William A. Quarles, C. S. Army, commanding brigade, of operations June 27 and July 20 and 28.

Numbers 710.- Major Samuel L. Knox, First Alabama Infantry, of operations June 27.

Numbers 711.- Brigadier General Daniel H. Reynolds, C. S. Army, commanding brigade, of operations June 27, July 14-20 and 28.

Numbers 712.- Colonel Edward A. O'Neal, Twenty- sixth Alabama Infantry, commanding Cantey's brigade, of operations June 27 and July 20 and 28.

Numbers 713.- Major General Joseph Wheeler, C. S. Army, commanding Cavalry Corps, of operations May 6-31 and July 17- October 9.

Numbers 714.- Colonel D. T. Blakey, First Alabama Cavalry, Alle's brigade, of operations August 31.

Numbers 715.- Brigadier General Lawrence S. Ross, C. S. Army, commanding cavalry brigade (Army of Mississippi), of operations May 17 and July 28-30.

Numbers 716.- Brigadier General Phillip D. Roddey, C. S. Army, of operations May 27-29.

Numbers 717.- Colonel Josiah Patterson, Fifth Alabama Cavalry, commanding brigade, of operations May 26-29.

Numbers 718.- Captain Thomas J. Key, Arkansas Artillery, commanding Hotchkiss' artillery battalion, of operations July 22.

Numbers 719.- Lieutenant Richard L. Watkins, Lookout (Tennessee) Artillery, of operations July 20.

Numbers 720.- Major George S. Storrs, C. S. Artillery, commanding artillery battalion, of operations June 27.

Numbers 721.- Lieutenant Charles W. Lovelace, Selden's (Alabama) battery, of operations July 20.

Numbers 722.- Major General Gustavus W. Smith, C. S. Army, commanding Georgia militia, of operations June 1- September 15.

Numbers 723.- Major General Howell Cobb, C. S. Army, of operations July 30 and 31 (Stoneman's raid).

Numbers 724.- Lieutenant John A. Vaughan, Eighth Confederate Cavalry, commanding scouts, of operations July 27-31 (McCook's raid).

Numbers 725.- Captain Thomas H. Francis, Fourth Tennessee Infantry, of affairs at Auburn, Ala., July 18- September 15.

Numbers 726.- Major W. T. Walthall, of operations July 13-16 (Rousseau's raid).

Numbers 727.- Major John C. Burch, Assistant Adjutant- General, C. S. Army, of operations July 13-16 (Rousseau's raid).

Numbers 728.- Journal of operations of the Army of Tennessee May 14- June 4.

Numbers 729.- Findings of the Court of Inquiry upon the loss of Confederate stores at Atlanta.

Numbers 730.- Major Wiliam Clare, Assistant Inspector- General, upon the removal of citizens from Atlanta.

Numbers 731.- Brigadier General Gideon J. Pillow, C. S. Army, of operations June 24.

Numbers 732.- Colonel Charles G. Armistead, Twelfth mississippi Cavalry, commanding brigade, of operations June 24.

Numbers 733.- Colonel Charles P. Ball, Eighth Alabama Cavalry, of operations June 24.

Numbers 734.- Lieutenant Colonel Philip B. Spence, Twelfth Mississipi Cavalry, of operations June 24.

Numbers 735.- Captain William V. Hrrell, Lewis's (Alabama) battalion, of operations June 24.

Numbers 736.- Colonel James J. Neely, Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry, commanding brigade, of operations June 24.

Numbers 737.- Resolution of thanks to officers and soldiers in the Confederate service from the State of Missouri.

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