16 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
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Numbers 437.Reports of Major General James B. McPherson, U. S. Army, commaning Army of the Tennessee, of operations May 9, 10, 27, and 28, and July 4, 5, 18, and 21.
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT AND ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE, In the Field, about Five Miles from Resaca, at Intersectin of Cross- Roads, May 9, 1864- 12.30 p. m.GENERAL: We met one brigade of rebel cavalry shortly after we emerged from the gap this morning; drove them back after a slight skirmish. Dodge's advance must be within two miles of Resaca by this time. The cvavalry which we met here was part of Wheeler's. Prisoners say they left Dalton at 10 p. m. last night and expeced to get possession of the gap. We were a little too quick for them, at Resaca or not. Will know soon. Few houses along the road and no one at home, except wome and children. Country densely wooded. Is impossible to communicate with General Hoker by signals, owing to the rough, impracticable nature of the country and the dense foliage. Ipropose to cut the railroad, if possible, and then fall back and take a strong position near the gorge on theis [side] of the mountain and await your orders. I wrote to Geenral Hooker to control the road across the mountain from Dalton, about six miles north of Snake Creek Gap.
Very respecrtfully, your obedient servant,
JAS. B. McPHERSON,Major- General, Commanding.
Major General W. T. SHERMAN,
Commanding Military Division of the Mississippi.
Camp at Sugar Valley, May 9, 1864- 10.30 p. m.GENERAL: General Dodge's command moved up and skiemished with the enemy at Resaca this afternoon. While that was going on one company of mounted infantry, Lieutenant- Colonel Phillips' regiment, succeeded in reaching the railroad near Tilton Station, but was forced to leave without damaging the track. They tore down a small portion of the telegraph wire. The enemy have a strong position at Resaca naturlly, ad, as far as we could see, have it pretty well fortified. They displayed considerable force, and opened on us with artillery. After skirmishing till nearly dark, and finding that I coould not succeed in cutting the railroad before dark, or getting to it, I decided to withdraw the command and take up a position for the night between Sugar Valley and the entrance to the gap for the following reasons:
First. Between theis point and Resaca there are a half dozen good roads leading north toward Dalton doen which a column of the enemy could march, making our advanced position a very exposed one.
Second. General Dodge's men are all out of provisions, and some regiments have had nothing to- day. His wagon train is between
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