Today in History:

54 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


east of Atlanta. The battle lasted from about 12 o'clock noon until near sunset, when the rebels were everywhere repulsed. In the early part of the action General McPherson was killed by a ball through the chest, while riding near the front. Thus prematurely fell an officer pre-eminent for his genius and attainments s soldier, and as a man peculiarly beloved by all who had the good fortune to know him. It was a determined effort on the part of the rebel general to turn our flank. While the attack in front and on the flank was going on, another force moved from the direction of Decatur, threatening our rear. All our field hospitals came under fire at different times during the day and had to be removed. The number of wounded was about 2,060, all of whom, in addition to 500 rebel wounded, were brought to hospital before 10 o'clock that night. There was no want of important supplies of every kind.

On the 23d, owing to a projected change of line, all our hospitals were ordered farther to our right. On the 25th they were again ordered to be removed to the rear of the position occupied by the Army of the Cumberland-still farther to the right. Of course, all these moves were annoying, as well as injurious to many of the wounded, and retarded the proper fitting up of bunks, as well as other hospital conveniences. From these hospitals all wounded were transferred, in a few days, in ambulances to Marietta, a distance of twenty miles, and from that point to Rome by railroad. On the 27th of July the movement round to the right flank was completed. On the 28th, while getting into the new position, the rebels made a very determined attack on the Fifteenth Army Corps, which formed the right of our line. An attack, three or four times renewed, and lasting about five hours, resulted in a repulse to the enemy at all points, with 650 killed and about 5,000 wounded. During the engagement our troops threw up barricades, and were thus protected very much. Number of wounded, 540-mostly of the Fifteenth Corps. All the wounded, including 80 rebels, were in the division hospitals before 12 o'clock at night. The hospitals were first established within less than half a mile of our line of battle, but, being in range of enemy's shells, had to be removed farther to the rear. Three days after the battle-known as that of Ezra Church-all the wounded were sent to the corps hospitals in Marietta, fifteen miles distant. These hospitals had been moved from Allatoona Pass to this place early in July. From the battle of the 28th of July to August 26 the usual daily casualties of a siege occurred; the wounded being cared for in the division hospitals about a mile in the rear of the trenches. On the 26th began the grand move of the whole army to the right, with a view of cutting the West Point and Macon roads. It is unnecessary to speak of the manner in which this was accomplished. The Army of the Tennessee was on the right, and two days' march brought it to the West Point railroad at Red Oak. The 28th was spent in destroying the road, and march resumed on the 29th by two roads running parallel and passing through Renfroe Place to Jonesborough. Considerable skirmishing occurred during the day between our advance and the rebel cavalry, but very few casualties occurred, and in the evening our cavalry (dismounted) had forced the bridge across Flint River, and the advance of the Fifteenth Corps passed over immediately, and, driving the rebels from their barricades on the other shore, pursued them up the heights between the river and the town of Jonesborough, and held their position until the entire Fifteenth and Sixteenth