55 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Corps came up, and before morning were intrenched within a few hundred yards of the town and at one point close enough to command the railroad. On the 31st an attack was made upon our lines, but was easily repulsed, with los on our side of about 100. The hospitals of the Fifteenth Corps were established near the bridge on this occasion, but during the action two of them had to be removed across the river. This was the corps chiefly engaged.
On the 1st of September the enemy in front of the Army of the Tennessee stood on the defensive. In the afternoon a vigorous, gallant, and well-sustained attack was made by the Fourteenth Army Corps, under command of General J. C. Davis, on that part of the enemy's lines to our left. Although stubbornly resisted, 2 lines of the enemy's rifle trenches were taken, about 1,000 prisoners captured, a battery of 4 guns, besides a heavy loss in killed and wounded. Under cover of darkness the rebel army retreated. Next morning we were ordered to pursue. Late in the afternoon, however, General Sherman learned that Atlanta had been evacuated and was in possession of our troops, and orders were given to rest for two or three days, and then return by easy marches to Atlanta, where the army arrived on the 8th of September. All our wounded were brought back in ambulances, and, on reaching Atlanta, sent to the hospitals in Marietta.
Thus happily terminated a campaign of more than four months' duration, conducted under extraordinary difficulties, and no less remarkable for its numerous bloody engagements and daily skirmishes than for the cheerful endurance of the soldiers under frequent and long-continued hardships. It should have been stated in the proper place that after the death of General McPherson the command of the Army of the Tennessee devolved upon General J. A. Logan, who continued in command until the 27th, when General Howard was placed in command-an officer whose brilliant military record during the war has been rendered still more illustrious by the extremely important successes won by the Army of the Tennessee while under his command. But no less important than success, in attaching the soldiers of the army to him, is the constant interest which he manifests for their physical and moral welfare.
The Army of the Tennessee had been operating for two years on the Mississippi River,where all necessary provisions in the way of hospitals existed, but when ordered on this campaign these hospitals were not available, and all those at Nashville and Chattanooga belonged to the Army of the Cumberland. The hospitals established at Huntsville were ordered to be abandoned, as the town was to be garrisoned by troops from the Army of the Cumberland. About this time a temporary camp hospital was established in the vicinity of Chattanooga, under the charge of Surg. R. Niccolls, U. S. Volunteers, and with it were placed several hundred men, who were unable to march from being foot-sore or fatigued, and also many who were sick were sent back from Kingston. About the 1st of June measures were taken to establish the main hospital at Rome. I learned from General Sherman that this point would be protected, and from he people that it was celebrated for its salubrity. It was