945 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
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developed the fact that all but two divisions of the enemy had turned our left flank, moving toward Resaca. this made it necessary for our army to take position on the Oostenaula. May 13, before daylight my command had relieved all the infantry skirmishers in our breast-works. At daylight the enemy advanced in force, and after severe engagements was gradually fell back toward Tilton, arriving there at 3 p. m. Here I was re-enforced by Brown's brigade of infantry. A considerable force of the enemy held my front while a division of the enemy's infantry turned my left flank, and this necessitated my forming the command in a right angle. The enemy attacked both position with infantry and cavalry, but were repulsed and held in check until 9 p. m. The resistance the enemy experienced can be appreciated when we consider the fact that during fifteen hours they pressed forward but then miles.
May 14, early in the morning, pursuant to the commanding general's instructions, I moved out with kelly's division to develop the enemy. After a severe fight the command was driven back near our works. We here formed, engaging the enemy warmly until 3 p. m. We then crossed the Connesauga and returned before night to cover our right flank. May 15, we were ordered to Calhoun, which point we reached about 3 p. m. There was considerable skirmishing along our line. In obedience to orders from the general commanding I moved with Humes' division and Allen's brigade to a point near Resaca on the south side of the Oostenaula. Stoneman's command attacked General Hardee's hospitals. We charged Stoneman, defeat in him, retaking the hospitals, and pursued the enemy two miles, capturing 40 prisoners and 2 stand of colors. May 16, at about 4 a. m., the enemy having learned that our army had retreated from Resaca, shelled the woods in which Allen's brigade was encamping without any injury. At early dawn my skirmishers near the river engaged the enemy's skirmishers, who were crossing the river. I found on the calhoun road a full battery of five rifled guns with caissons which had been left by our army. I immediately ordered sixty men to be dismounted from Allen's brigade and sent for these guns. They moved to the skirmish line, brought them out, and carried them safely to the rear. Allen's brigade continued skirmishing with enemy's line, which had been very much strengthened from the opposite side of the river, and was supported by their artillery from the opposite heights until about 12 m., when I ordered it to retire to my main line, which had been formed one mile to the rear of that position. May 17, with Kelly's and Harrison's division and Williams' brigade, I resisted the enemy, who were advancing on the Calhoun road. They advanced with cavalry, infantry, and artillery upon us, when we opened upon him with small-arms from behind our temporary rail breast-works and from two pieces of artillery, causing him to deploy his lines. Hearing that the enemy's cavalry was moving on the Tan-yard Ford road to gain my rear, I sent Williams, brigade on that road to re-enforce that portion of General Martin's division on that road. By forming lines and fighting the enemy at every favorable position we had forced the enemy to advance in line all day. At about 3 o'clock I was obliged to retire to the position occu-
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