946 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
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pied by our infantry two miles south of Adairsville. The enemy moved around my left flank on the west side of the creek, which runs near and west of the Adairsville and Calhoun road. General Kelly's division was sent to oppose this force and to prevent enemy gaining our rear. Cheatham's division of infantry being formed in front of Adairsville, I formed Martin's division and Williams' brigade, dismounted, between Cheatham's division and General Kelly's command, and on a line with the infantry, with skirmishers deployed in front. Considerable skirmishing was kept up until after dark, when I withdrew the main portion of my command to near the town to feed and rest the horses. May 18, formed mu line about one mile in rear of the town. The enemy advanced slowly, skirmishing. I held them in check until they deployed their line, when the purpose being accomplished I retired to another position. Allan's brigade, of Kelly's division, had been sent to assist General Jackson's command, on the left of our army. My forces were then disposed as follows: General Iverson's brigade, of Martin's division, and Humes' division, on the Cassville and Adairsville road; Dibrell's brigade, of Kelly's division, on the Cooper Mine road; the Fifty-third Alabama Regiment and twenty-fourth Alabama Battalion on the ---- road, and General Williams' brigade on the Tennessee road. The enemy's skirmishers advanced upon those of General Martin at about 3 p. m., but were driven back. At about 7.30 p. m. my entire line was withdraw to go into camp, feed, and rest, leaving a line of skirmishers in front a commanding position.
May 19, at daylight, my line was formed about a mile in front of the infantry line. The enemy advanced a heavy line of skirmishers from a woods toward the field in our front. We opened two pieces of artillery upon them drove them back. Dispatches had been sent by me between 2 and 3 o'clock to General Allen, supposed to be on the Kingston road, by there different couriers, all of whom returned, stating that they had run into the enemy's pickets on that road about one mile from Cassville. Immediately informed Major-General Hindman, whose line was near me, taking one of the couriers to him with me. I sent a staff officer to Major-General Martin, on the Adairsville road, with instructions for him to fall back at once, and sent a staff officer, who knew the country, with instructions to General Kelly for him to retire by a by-road with his command to the town. These orders were promptly delivered and executed. As the rear of General Kelly's command was near the town the enemy's cavalry charged his line of skirmishers, but were stampeded by the fire from a second line of his command, and were charged in return by his escort. I retired my command at about night-fall to the rear of the infantry lines and took position to guard the right flank of the army. General Allen's brigade had been ordered from the Kingston road by the orders of some one unknown to me and without my knowledge.
May 20, Allen's brigade, of Kelly's division, was sent to assist General Jackson, and with the remainder of my command I guarded all the roads to the right of the railroad leading to Cartersville. The enemy made no demonstration except upon the left of my line, and were easily held in check. The rear of my column retired across the Etowah river at about 5 p. m. The bridge was then burned. May 21 and 22, rested in camp near the Alabama road. May 23, pursuant to orders from the general commanding, I crossed
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