950 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 950 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |
II. First. It is impossible in one order to enumerate all your brilliant achievements; a few may be mentioned.
Second. At New Hope, May 27, a portion of Humes' and Kelly's commands repulsed with immense slaughter a most desperate attempt on the part of the enemy, twenty times their strength, to gain our rear, and held him at bay until re-enforced by our infantry line. This service was most signal, and was alone due to your valor.
Third. The gallant repulse of an entire division of the enemy on Taylor's Ridge by a portion of Grigsby's Kentucky brigade, numbering less than 400 men, reflects the highest credit upon every member of his command.
III. Two months ago the enemy brought a defiant and overwhelming cavalry force against you; you have met, defeated, and routed his superior numbers in many engagements.
IV. First. At Varnell's Station less that 1,000 men from Allen's and Dibrell's brigade, of Kelly's division, and the Texas Rangers, of Harrison's brigade, Humes' division, met and repulsed the attack of a force of cavalry 5,000 strong. At this juncture the gallant Texas Rangers (Colonel Cook) and Eight Confederate Regiment (Colonel Prather) charged most heroically into the enemy's ranks, killing and wounding large numbers and capturing over 100 prisoners, including a brigade commander and several other officers. One stand of colors was captured and the enemy completely routed and defeated. Here, covered with glory, the gallant McElderry fell.
Second. At Rocky Face, May 12, Cibrell's and Allen's brigades, of Kelly's division, a portion of Humes' division and Hannon's brigade, attacked Major-General Stoneman's cavalry corps, capturing a number of prisoners, and so defeating and stampeding the enemy as to cause him to destroy, as afterward learned, all his stores near Tunnel Hill and burn a large train of wagons to prevent their falling into our hands.
Third. At Cass Station, having been ordered to make a reconnaissance in the enemy' rear, a portion of Allen's brigade, of Kelly's division, under command of Colonel Goode, and General Wheeler's escort being in advance, they charged and defeated the enemy, capturing a large and valuable wagon train and a number of prisoners. Eighty loaded wagons were brought off and the remainder burned. The enemy in their flight also burned number of wagons and all of their stores near Cass Station. In returning with the train a large fresh of the enemy's cavalry attempted, by an overwhelming charge, to recapture the train. The gallant Texas Rangers and Second Tennessee Regiment, supported by the Third Arkansas, were promptly placed into position, met and repulsed the enemy's charge; then in turn charged the enemy, driving him upon his infantry support, and capturing nearly 100 prisoners. this affair was one of marked brilliancy.
Fourth. The Third Alabama Regiment, Colonel Mauldin, having been detached, dashed into Calhoun, defeated the enemy and captured and destroyed a large heavily-platen train of cars. A detachment also destroyed another large train a short distance north of the town.
V. Besides the wagon train, and stores, and animals captured at Cass Station, you have captured over 800 prisoners, 4 stand of colors, 900 horses, and on several occasions small detachments have torn up the railroad in the enemy's rear.
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