951 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 951 | Chapter L. REPORTS, ETC.-CONFEDERATE. |
VI. Your great commander, General Johnston, fully appreciates the valuable services you have rendered, and relies with confidence upon you to maintain the high reputation your noble conduct has won, and to accomplish whatever task he may call upon you to undertake.
Near Spring Place, August 16, 1864.GENERAL: Colonel Thompson destroyed railroad near Big Shanty for one mile on Friday night. Colonel Hannon, commanding brigade, destroyed the railroad near Calhoun on Saturday night, capturing 1,020 beef-cattle and a few wagons. Allen's brigade and Humes' and Kelly's divisions destroyed the railroad for several miles between Resaca and Tunnel Hill, and Kelly's and parts of Humes' commands captured Dalton Sunday evening with a considerable amount of stores, three trains of cars, and 200 fine mules. The train and part of he stores were destroyed and the remainder appropriated.
Prisoners report re-enforcements at Chattanooga, said to be part of A. J. Smith's troops. On Monday morning we were attacked by General Steedman with about 4,000 infantry, and obliged to leave Dalton. Our entire loss up to this time about 30, most of them still with the command.
The most violent rains have embarrassed me very much, and made some of the roads very bad. The large force sent from Chattanooga prevented our working at the tunnel. I have several parties still working at the railroad.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
General F. A. SHOUP,
Chief of Staff.
October 9, 1864.COLONEL: I have the honor to submit the following brief report of the operations of my command from the date General Hood assumed command of the Army of Tennessee to the present time:
My command consisted of two divisions of cavalry, under Generals Kelly and Iverson, and one small brigade, under General Williams, in all. General Kelly with his entire command had been detached to guard the Augusta railroad, and General Williams had also been detached and was reporting direct to Major-General Cheatham. With the remainder of my command, numbering about 1,600 men, re-enforced by Ferguson's brigade, I was engaged during the 17th and 18th of July opposing the advance of General thomas, and during the 19th and 20th of July in opposing the advance of General McPherson's entire army, consisting of three army corps. During this time we fought behind successive lines of breast-works, inflicting heavy losses upon the enemy, and repulsing several assaults of his skirmish lines, which were almost dense enough to make them
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