Today in History:

846 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 846 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

berland Gap, and Clinton, where they will be covered by troops, and, when sufficiently accumulated, will enable me again to throw forward all my cavalry to hold the mountains, supported by the infantry near the passes.

Information to-day gives the enemy eighteen regiments at Somerset, Ky. They have two or three regiments at Barboursville. I have not learned yet the disposition of their remaining forces in Kentucky. They are evidently preparing for an invasion of East Tennessee in heavy force. The success of our arms on the Rappahannock has checked their movements. Any reverse to our arms in Mississippi will hasten it, with a view of compelling the Army of Tennessee to fall back before General Rosecrans. This sketch will show you some of the wants of this department.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, Commanding.

Abstract from tri-monthly return of the Army of Tennessee, commanded by General Braxton Bragg, for May 20, 1863; headquarters Tullahoma, Tenn.

Present for duty

Infantry Infantry Cavalry Cavalry

Command Officers Men Officers Men

Polk's corps 1,133 13,892 14 189

Hardee's corps 1,252 14,489 10 137


brigade 131 2,202 4 27

District of

Tennessee 148 1,766 3 56

Infantry with


Reserve 33 328 ....... .......


brigade 124 1,501 ....... ........


Reserve ........ ........ ....... ........


cavalry corps ........ ........ 558 8,226


cavalry corps ........ ........ 417 5,296


Bragg's escort ......... ........ 7 152

Total 2,821 34,178 1,013 14,083

Present for duty

Artillery Artillery

Command Officers Men Effective


Polk's corps 54 893 14,725

Hardee's corps 39 712 15,079

Clayton's brigade 5 136 2,321

District of Tennessee 6 112 1,910

Infantry with

Artillery Reserve ......... ......... 313

Churchill's brigade ......... ......... 1,493

Artillery Reserve 20 293 279

Wheeler's cavalry

corps 12 289 8,452

Forrest's cavalry

corps 9 276 5,509

General Bragg's

escort ......... ......... 152

Total 145 2,711 50,233

Command Aggrregate Aggregate Aggregate

present present and last return


Polk's corps 18,384 28,875 35,191

Hardee's corps 19,149 26,811 27,025

Clayton's brigade 2,890 3,722 3,751

District of Tennessee 2,950 3,810 3,880

Infantry with

Artillery Reserve 422 587 590

Churchill's brigade 2,017 2,791 ........

Artillery Reserve 340 402 380

Wheeler's cavalry

corps 11,270 16,166 16,352

Forrest's cavalry

corps 7,107 9,835 9,808

General Bragg's escort 177 201 201

Total 64,706 93,200 97,178

NOTE ON ORIGINAL RETURN.-Ector's and McNair's brigades and the Twenty-ninth and Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regiments sent to Mississippi. Effective strength, 2,789; aggregate present and absent, 5,891.

Abstract from brigade return of Breckinridge's division, Major General John C. Breckinridge, C. S. Army, commanding, for May 21, 1863.

Present for duty

Command Officers Men Aggregate Aggregate

present present



Adams' brigade 163 1,967 2,375 3,350

Brown's brigade 141 1,758 2,305 3,167


brigade 175 1,833 2,282 2,982


brigade 139 1,587 1,967 2,892

Total 618 7,145 8,929 12,391

Page 846 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.