787 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
No. 1. - List of officers who have served in the Disbursing Branch from date of organization (May 1, 1863) to present time.No. Name and rank. Regiment. To what duty
1 Captain S. F. Fifth Artillery Chief of Disbursing
Chalfin Branch
2 Captain G. W. Commissary of ...do...
Burton Subsistence,volu
3 Captain H. R. Twelfth Infantry ...do...
1 Captain H. C. Wood Eleventh Disbursing officer,
Infantry Fourth Division
2 Captain James Fifteenth Disbursing officer,
Curtis Infantry First Division
3 Captain F. H. Second Infantry Disbursing officer,
Barroll Second Division
4 Captain H. B. Second Artillery Disbursing officer,
Third Division
5 Captain S. B. Sixteenth Assistant to chief
Lawrence Infantry of Disbursing
6 Captain James Second Infantry Disbursing officer,
McMillan First Division
7 Captain H. Fifteenth Disbursing officer,
Keteltas Infantry Miscellaneous
8 Captain S. Dana Seventh Infantry Disbursing officer,
Third Division
9 Captain R. Lodor Fourth Artillery Disbursing officer,
Second Division
10 Captain W. R. Fourteenth Disbursing officer,
Smedberg Artillery Miscellaneous
11 Captain J. McL. Third Infantry Disbursing officer,
Hildt First Division
No. When detailed. When Remarks.
1 March 23, 1863 April 7, Assistant adjutant-
1864 general, U. S. Army, from
June 25, 1863. Relieved
by Captain Borton.
2 Oct.23, 1863.- March 8, Appointed major and
Special Order 475, 1865 assistant adjutant-
paragraph 13. general volunteers.
Relieved by Brevet-Major
3 December 19, 1864 ---- Appointed major and
assistant adjutant-
general, volunteers.
1 April 29, 1863.- July 29, Relieved by Captain
Special Order 194, 1864 Lodor.
paragraph 20.
2 May 5, 1863.- Aug. 31, Relieved by Captain
Special Order 203, 1863 McMillan.
paragraph 16.
3 May 6, 1863.- July 1, Relieved by Captain Dana.
Special Order 204, 1865
paragraph 3.
4 May 13, 1863.- March 30, Do.
Special Order 214, 1864
paragraph 15.
5 Aug.15, 1863.- Oct. 30, Transferred to General
Special Order 354, 1864 Fry's office.
paragraph 21.
6 Aug.20, 1863.- December Relieved by Captain
Special Order 371, 19, 1864 Rathbone.
paragraph 7.
7 March 26, 1864.- April 1, Relieved by Captain
Special Order 128, 1865 Smedberg.
paragraph 48.
8 April 9, 1864.- ---- In charge of consolidated
Special order 143, divisions.
paragraph 48.
9 June 21, 1864.- December Relieved by Captain Dana.
Special order 215, 9, 1865
paragraph 39.
10 Feb.11, 1865.- Aug. 16, Relieved by Captain
Special Order 68, 1865 Lodor.
paragraph 21.
11 March 16, 1865.- Aug. 17, Do.
Special Order 128, 1865
paragraph 11.