788 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
The amounts of commutation money received by receivers thereof (collectors of internal revenue) under the act of March 3, 1863,and deposited by them with the U. S. Treasurer, assistant treasurers, and designated depositaries, &c., to your credit, as Provost-Marshal-General, from July 18, 1863, the date of the first transaction, to February 23, 1864, the date at which the final balance remaining in your hands was turned over to the Treasurer of the United States in compliance with the joint resolution aforesaid, are as follows.*
Recapitulation of commutation money by States.
State. Provost- Treasurer Treasurer
Marshal-General United United
States, Nov. 1, States,
1864. December
31, 1865.
Maine $582,300.00 $16,800.00 $11,100.00
New Hampshire 171,300.00 37,200.00 ---
Vermont 561,600.00 31,200.00 600.00
Massachusetts 1,051,800.00 546,000.00 12,600.00
Rhode Island 138,300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
Connecticut 450,300.00 6,000.00 1,200.00
New York 4,714,500.00 753,299.25 18,000.00
New Jersey ---- 1,169,700.00 96,000.00
Pennsylvania 5,290,800.00 3,201,300.00 142,200.00
Delaware 128,700.00 287,100.00 300.00
Maryland 284,100.00 819,300.00 28,500.00
District of 95,400.00 900.00 600.00
Kentucky ---- 942,300.00 55,230.00
Ohio ---- 1,935,300.00 42,787.53
Minnesota ---- 307,800.00 9,000.00
Illinois ---- 8,100.00 7,800.00
Indiana ---- 48,600.00 186,900.00
Michigan 495,600.00 101,700.00 17,400.00
Wisconsin 1,499,100.00 28,500.00 6,000.00
Iowa ---- ---- 22,500.00
Total 15,463,800.00 10,242,599.25 660,217.53
State. Total.
Maine $610,200.00
New Hampshire 208,500.00
Vermont 593,400.00
Massachusetts 1,610,400.00
Rhode Island 141,300.00
Connecticut 457,500.00
New York 5,485,799.25
New Jersey 1,265,700.00
Pennsylvania 8,643,300.00
Delaware 416,100.00
Maryland 1,131,900.00
District of 96,900.00
Kentucky 997,530.00
Ohio 1,978,087.53
Minnesota 316,800.00
Illinois 15,900.00
Indiana 235,500.00
Michigan 614,700.00
Wisconsin 1,533,600.00
Iowa 22,500.00
Total 26,366,616.78
Total commutation money received.....................$26,366,616.78
Add donations and amount left by deserters,&c........ 1,675.95
Total received....................................... 26,368,292.73
Deposited for sick and wounded soldiers... $463,987.53
Disbursed on account of enrollment and
Disbursed on account of premiums and
In hand of officers...................... 111,042.19
Returned by disbursing officers to
Treasury................................. 73,323.00
Unaccounted for a........................ 35,928.89
Balance available in Treasury, as shown by books of this
Bureau................................................ 9,415,223.00
Deduct settlements by Second Auditor................... 135,860.00
9,279,363.45 In hand of officers................................... 111,042.19
Total available January 1, 1866........................ 9,390,405.64
a NOTE.- Two hundred and seventy dollars deposited by Captain J. McL. Hildt to the credit of the Treasure of the United States (III T, 66) has not been included in the above amount, although the certificates are on file in this office, for the reason that the amount should be credited to appropriation for "pay of volunteers," as appears from information on file in disbursing branch.
Disbursements by officers of the Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau from its organization to December 31, 1865, (being itemized from July 1, 1864, to December 31, 1865, inclusive).+
*Details omitted; see general summary in report of Provost- Marshal-General under the heads "Commutation Money" and "Disbursements, Accounts, etc.," pp.682, 684, and the recapitulation following.
+Details omitted in view of the recapitulation following.