Today in History:

1074 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I


Georgia Regiment to Doles' brigade. We moved to Hanover Junction, where my corps took the right of the line. After some days' skirmishing we marched toward the Totopotomoy. When we moved I reported to the commanding general that in consequence of a severe attack of diarrhea I would leave General Early in command while the troops were on the march, and on Friday I rode in an ambulance to Mechanicsville, remaining in my tent Saturday and Sunday, May 28 and 29.

On Sunday I reported that I would be ready for duty in two days more, and sent a certificate of Staff Surgeon McGuire to the same effect. The commanding general relieved me on Sunday, placing General Early in temporary command of my corps. I reported for duty on Tuesday, four days after my at tack, and remainder over a week with the army, wishing to place the question of health beyond

a doubt, but the change of commanders was made permanent, and on June 14 I was placed in command of the Defenses of Richmond. The losses of my corps from May 4 to 27 were, it will be seen, very heavy, and including prisoners amounted to over one-half. Of the 14 generals who began the campaign under me, Generals John M. Jones, L. A. Stafford, and Junius Daniel were killed; Generals John Pegram, Harry T. Hays, James A. Walker, and Robert D. Johnston wounded; Generals Edward Johnson and George H. Steuart, taken prisoners and General Early most of the time detached. General Jones had been twice wounded-at Gettysburg and at Mine Run. I considered his loss an irreparable one to his brigade. General Edward Johnson once said of General Stafford that he was the bravest man he ever saw. Such a compliment from one himself brave almost to a fault and habitually sparing of praise needs no remark. General Daniel's services at Gettysburg, as well as on the bloody field where he fell, were of the most distinguished character. General Walker was wounded in an attempt to stem the attack on his division early on May 12.

My staff during this campaign consisted of Lieutenant Colonel A. S. Pendleton and Major Campbell Brown, assistant adjutant-general; Colonel A. Smead (colonel of artillery), assistant inspector-general; Major B. H. Greene, engineer; Lieutenant Thomas T. Turner, aide-de-camp; Lieutenant Colonel William Allan, chief of ordnance; Surg. Hunter McGuire, medical director; Majs. John D. Roges and A. M. Garber, quartermasters (Major Harman having been transferred just before the campaign opened); Major W. J. Hawks and Captain J. J. Lock, commissaries of subsistence. All except Majors Brown, Greene, and Rogers and Lieutenant Turner, had been of the staff of Lieutenant-General Jackson. That officer should be held hardly more remarkable for his brilliant campaigns than for the judgment he almost invariably showed in his sections of men. It would be difficult, without personal knowledge, to appreciate Colonel Pendleton's great gallantry; his coolness and clearness of judgment under every trial; his soldier-like and cheerful performance of every duty. On one occasion I expressed a wish to recommend him to a vacant brigade, but he declined, thinking his services more valuable on the staff. Major Hawks deserves the highest praise I can give him for his ability and zeal, so impressing me that I have often wished he could have a command in the line if it were possible to fill his place on the staff. It is but simple justice to say that the quiet and efficient manner in which Surgeon McGuire performed the duties of