1075 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I
Page 1075 | Chapter XLVIII. RAPIDAN TO THE JAMES. |
his important department left nothing to be desired, while Colonel Allan's abilities were recognized at headquarters by both compliments, and promotion. Major Brown had been with me from the first battle of Manassas, and on nearly every field had been intrusted with important duties. On no occasion did I have reason to regret my confidence in his coolness, judgment, and discretion. I also wished to recommend him for promotion to a Tennessee brigade, but he declined. Probably no officer had more distinguished himself by repeated acts of personal bravery and dash than Lieutenant T. T. Turner, or with so slight personal advancement. Up to the time when he was wounded at Spotsylvania Court-House, he had constantly been foremost wherever opportunities presented themselves. Lieuts. Harper Carroll and John Taliaferro, acting aides-de-camp, had horses shot under them on May 12, and displayed much personal gallantry.
My total loss at the Wilderness was 1,250 killed and wounded. The burial parties from two divisions reported interring over 1,100 of the enemy. The third and largest made no report. When we moved probably one-third or more were still unburied of those who were within reach of our lines. At Spotsylvania, though the enemy held the ground for a week, we found on regaining it many of their dead still unburied, while the numerous graves showed their loss to have been immense. It just have exceeded ours in the proportion of at least 6 to 1, taking all the engagements together.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel W. H. TAYLOR,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
P. S.-Accompanying will be found copies of subordinate reports. None were received from General Rodes up to the time of his death.
R. S. E.
Numbers 285. Report of Medical Director Lafayette Guild, C. S. Army, of casualties in month of May.MEDICAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE, ARMY OF N. VIRGINIA,
January 5, 1865.
SIR: Your communication of the 2nd instant has been received. In reply I transmit the following summary of casualties occurring in the Second Corps during the month of May, 1864:
Command. Killed. Wounded. Total.
Johnson's division 177 744 921
Rodes' division 347 1,534 1,881
Early's division 228 1,322 1,550
Artillery of Second 15 86 101
Total 767 3,686 4,453
Page 1075 | Chapter XLVIII. RAPIDAN TO THE JAMES. |